
Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S55 d5 1 YEAR +58d Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So … this is my being vulnerable photos!   I finally broke the magical 230 mark and weighted in at 227.6 today … Whoop!  Whoop!   In honor of this accomplishment I decided to share the above photos …. If you subtract the right photo from the left photo you  will see what 150 POUNDS LOOKS LIKE!!!!  (128 of those pounds were lost on Tirzepatide since 1/23) So on the hair issue … The hair on my head has not changed dramatically before and after being on the tirzepatide but I actually have more body hair (getting the old greyback gorilla look!) Another observation, with all my weight loss I find that I take more pride in my clothes … I actually floss more regularly … and I have really gotten into working out.   As I feel better about myself I actually without consciously thinking about it … try harder.   It has been interesting! 

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S54 d5 1 YEAR +53d Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

    So the scale hit 231.2 lb today … slow but positive progress!  I am feeling pretty good about it! (126.8 pounds lost since starting tirzzepatide over 14 months  ago…for a  35.4% weight loss)  From my all time maximum weight in the last 3 years I am down a total of 153.8 pounds for a 40% weight loss) … I never thought I would be here! So my workout to whomever is interested:  All exercises on cable machines at my local YMCA: I shoot to do the routine every third day … to be honest at my present age I seem to need the extra time to recover from the lifting fully to see gains. Bench Press, Military Press, Chest Flyes, Lateral raises, tricep extensions Narrow handle seated rows, Lateral pulldowns, back extensions, rveerse flyes, bicep curls Leg Press, Leg extensions, Leg Curls, Hip Abduction and Hip Adduction Abdominal crunch, Torso rotations I started with single set with low weight on each exercise and add weight and sets.   On a Sunday with plenty of time I will shoot for 3 sets (es

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S53 d2 1 YEAR +42d Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  As if!    lol … yes I ordered this banana split because I was told it was the biggest one I will ever have seen … it was amazing!   I did share it and thanks to the tirzepatide I only tasted it … I did not indulge myself to the excess!   Quite an accomplishment compared to my old self! So after a year of injecting myself in only my thighs I finally mixed it up and did a belly injection.   I have now done two.   My take aways … it hurt less than the thigh shots (although the thigh shots are not bad) and I do seem to have improved appetite suppression for at least the first few days of the week.   I am not sure why the different site would change this perception but I will take it and will be using my belly for shots for at least a while. So I broke my plateau … well a little anyway.   I am ranging between 234-236 which is good.  Now I just want to get under 230!    Can I do it … I hope so!     ( Update 3/1/24 - scale hit 233 this morning! … that makes my weight loss 125 pounds since s

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S49 d5 1 YEAR +19d Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  This is an AI rendition of what I would look like as a hippie … it made me think of the all the possibilities of what could be or what could have been … I am at a protracted plateau now fluctuating between 237-243 for the past couple of months.   The only thing I am doing different is that I am working out 2-3x per week in the gym trying to regain some of the muscle and strength I lost this past year.   It seems counterintuitive to me that working out would slow my weight loss down like this but maybe it does … for me! I have been amazied hy how many people have started their own weight loss journey.   Like me early on they want to keep it to themselves until other people notice a difference.   Human nature to be self conscious and afraid that what has worked for so many people won’t work for them.  I am going to stay the status quo for now and see if the weight loss starts again … but I will continue working out.  I am doing my shots every 7 days since I am on this plateau.   If I s

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S47 d2 1 YEAR +2d Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So as I begin Year 2 … I am at a plateau with today’s weight being 238.4 but my outlook for the year is very good.   It has brought me great joy sharing this weight loss journey with others and hearing their stories.  Ultimately the most important thing in life is connection and sharing these stories has been a great way to feel connection with others and the realization that so many other people totally understand and relate to where I started and how far I have come. So here are the experiences that so many people on this journey can relate to prior to their successful journey: - commonly having food at meal times stain your shirt (or dresses or sweaters or jackets etc) because everything falls down onto our stomach area (or breast area for women) and it is harder to bite something over our plates with our stomach area in the way when we bend forward with messy food. - having been asked to get off a roller coaster before it started or not even allowed to get on board because you we

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life W46 d5 - 1 YEAR Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

So in two days it will be exactly one year since I started tirzepatide!!   It has been a crazy year … there has been joy, happiness, anger, frustration, disappointments, accomplishments, and for me even betrayal!  Most of that was independent of my weight loss but my weight loss is my single greatest achievement this past year.   It is unfortunate that my great year of weight loss did not extend greatness to all other parts of my life but it reinforces for me the fact that your health although very important is just one aspect of your whole being. The photos above are from my Florida trip to see my sister (I just got back today) … That is the Skyway Bridge and the moon shot is on St Pete Beach … it was the view from my AirBnB. So since my knees are doing better and I have lost all that weight (about 120 pounds this past year) I decided to try jogging again…I started the None To Run program and I just finished my first week.   I have a limited goal for this year … I would like to do a 5

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life W45d2 #352 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  The Self Made Man by Victor Pina Happy New Year to All!   Thank you for the positive responses to my blog.   I printed a copy of that sculpture and taped it to my wall for motivation! I had my new life insurance physical and I weighed in right at 237 pounds which was a great feeling! Now a run down on things from this past month.   So I had been paying close to $1000 per month since I was using Mounjaro for weight loss and the coupon did not help since I am a non-diabetic.   (There was one month where I got it for $550 mentioned in a previous blog but it turned out to be a fluke so I went back to $1000 per month). When Zepbound came out with a new coupon for weight loss I was so excited … I went to the pharmacy to fill my new prescription and when it came time to pay it cost $1000 … I was like “…wait!  that can’t. be right…” but no matter how they ran it the total came out to $1000 for the refill. So since my insurance did not cover Mounjaro and I did not qualify for that coupon  I w

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life W44d3 #347 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So additional info from yeaterday’s post… Above is a photo from this morning and the last post had a photo at the bottom of me at my maximum weight!  My food plan: Mostly CorePower Chocolate Shakes (mixed with Fairlife chocolate shakes and CorePower Vanilla and Strawberry Banana shakes) One meal per day at home on work days … mostly Sloppy Joe’s made with ground turkey and keto buns with either side salad or fruit cups (no sugar added mandarin oranges or pineapple) and a 1/4 pint of ice cream (Hagan-Daz or Breyers).  Mix it up with chicken Tikka Masala or Ground Turkey tacos on keto friendly soft tortillas.   Those are with side salad or the fruit and possibly also the ice cream at the end. One weekends when I am being social I allow myself two regular meals without paying too much attention  to what I am eating (whatever is served) or something appealing at a restaurant … I do tend towards poultry and fish or vegetarian and avoid any heavy servings of red meat because I don’t  seem

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life W44d3 #346 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  Hello!   So today I weighed in at 237.6 which is awesome!      Here is a summary of my weight loss journey for the past 5 1/2 years … it shows my attempts before Mounjaro and although some success with gargantuan efforts it was completely unsustainable for me and very yo-yo like … my maximum recorded weight is in the middle of the chart so a couple of years in I weighed more than my first day!   The last downslope is the past year on tirzepatide / mounjaro / abound … Crazy!!   And now with sustained manageable  total daily healthy eating this past year  I have hit body  weights that I never honestly believed I would ever see again!  And I now believe I can lose even more … crazy but in a good way.   A complete mental reset. Here is the same graph but by BMI: The BMI of 53.4 and 52.2 were in the extremely obese (morbidly obese) category. My present BMI of 33.1 is still considered obese. I need to hit a BMI of 29 to no longer be considered obese .. a BMI of 29 would categorize me as OV

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life W43d6 #341 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  Merry Christmas!! I am so excited!!  Today I hit the weight scale at 239.8... I know I barely broke 240 .:: but I did!!  That is a BMI of 33 for me… crazy! Drum roll please … that is a 118.2 pound weight loss since starting tirzepatide in January 2023. .. a 30.6% weight loss.  ( I am down 37.8% from my maximum weight … 143 pounds down total.).  I have dated many women who weighed less than 143 pounds!