Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S53 d2 1 YEAR +42d Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog


As if!    lol … yes I ordered this banana split because I was told it was the biggest one I will ever have seen … it was amazing!   I did share it and thanks to the tirzepatide I only tasted it … I did not indulge myself to the excess!   Quite an accomplishment compared to my old self!

So after a year of injecting myself in only my thighs I finally mixed it up and did a belly injection.   I have now done two.   My take aways … it hurt less than the thigh shots (although the thigh shots are not bad) and I do seem to have improved appetite suppression for at least the first few days of the week.   I am not sure why the different site would change this perception but I will take it and will be using my belly for shots for at least a while.

So I broke my plateau … well a little anyway.   I am ranging between 234-236 which is good.  Now I just want to get under 230!    Can I do it … I hope so!     ( Update 3/1/24 - scale hit 233 this morning! … that makes my weight loss 125 pounds since starting tirzepatide… whoop whoop!)

So there was a cyber attack on the Eli Lilly site and now the coupon is not working.   I am not sure for how long but I will not be filling my prescription until the coupon thing gets fixed.  $521 versus $1091 is truly a no brainer.  I can wait.   It does help that by spacing my shots out but continuing to fill my prescriptions these past few months I actually am good for at least a couple of months with spaced out shots.   So I will wait until the coupon is working again.

I had to redo my term life insurance but with my getting older my rates are going up.   I thought with the 120 pound weight loss I would get a great break on the rate but the insurance said I needed to stay at the better weight for at least 24 months for that to be a factor.   So I am going to pay a higher that optimal rate for my present weight for the term life insurance with the hope that in two years I can get a significant rate decrease.   It will probably involve a whole new application and physical etcetera but it would save money in the long run.

My mental self is doing well.   This later years single thing is a bear for sure but it certainly beats the alternative of an early death.  I cannot believe how many women on dating sites in my general age range are widows!!  A lot of my fellow men are not living long lives.   That really hit home for me.  I hope this weight loss will lead to be living many many more years!


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