Zepbound / Mounjaro Life S72 d5 1yr+144d

 So here we are … I have been at a prolonged plateau at about 230 pounds but making progress on all other fronts.

I did my 5th 5K this past Saturday with a later life personal best of 44:25.97 which is very slow for accomplished runners but I am thrilled that I broke 45 minutes.   That is about a 14:20 / mile average … I think if I can get myself to 14 minutes that I will be ready for doing a 10K during my 60th birthday month in October.  I did that 5K non-stop but my dilemma is whether to keep going with a non-stop pace or switch to the Jeff Galloway Run/Walk ratio pacing … most the people around me at the 5K were doing some variant of that “Jeffing” kind of pacing.
i have been hitting the gym 2-3 times per week consistently for the past 28 weeks and I am feeling good about that.  I have been concentrating on upper body and to a lesser extent abdominals as I am concerned with hurting my kneess while I am trying to progress in the running side of the things.

So that is the summary of my workouts so far... I really like the 1.8 million pounds volume... Sounds very impressive!   as you can see I have averaged just under an hour per workout.
With regards to running... I am on Week 4 of the 8 week None To Run Race to 5K program with my plan to then do the 8 week None To Run 10K program which I should complete by mid September (assuming no injuries between now and then) which will be perfect for entering a 10K race in October.

As to body shape... My muscular development is filling out my upper body which is great.   I still have the mid section loose skin but I will just live with it... I just need to pull my shorts up when I am out and about shirtless 😆.

And I have to say people have been very supportive and I appreciate that!


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