MounjaroLife W10D3 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog


So … like the picture above … it is so easy to be so set on the journey that we don’t notice big things happening around us … I just realized this morning that was happening to me!!

So I have noticed that my mouth has been more dry at night … for the past month or more I go to bed with a bottled water next to my bed so I can drink some when I wake up with a parched mouth … I thought it was a side effect of my CPAP machine completely ignoring the fact that I never had that problem before going the mounjaro!!  So I did have another side effect of the the mounjaroo this whole time … DRY MOUTH!   I don’t notice it during the day much because I am drinking throughout the day but at night I literally wake up one or twice or three times with a crazy parched mouth!   I drink a whole bottle each time and get another bottle to put by my bed!     And I have started using chaptick during the day because my lips have started to chap … again I did not put two and two together … I thought maybe it was that time of year except that my lip chapping is usually in the winter not the spring… it is a mounjaro side effect from the dry mouth!!

I apologize for missing this side effect … Wow.    It certainly makes you wonder what other things I go through life missing!!

But one thing I am not missing at all on this journey is the weight loss … This morning despite no BMs for 2 days (I am back to two dulcolax per day), I am at 313.2 pounds for a 44.8 pound total weight loss so far on this mounjaro journey.  Despite my intermittant successes with keto (in between the yo-yo regains) I am now at the lightest weight I have been at in the last 5 years!!  (that is as far back as I have weight measurements for)

The difference between my keto trips and this journey so far has been that whenever I got around this point on keto my temptation to relax and/or veer from the strict keto would be huge … cravings would be building and building so I would finally blow it … but I have no such feelings on the mounjaro … I can definitely keep going on this mounjaro journey!

Another side note … on keto other than cutting carbs out I did not feel like I was eating super healthy as I ate tons and tons of red meat  … I am now eating well balanced meals on mounjaro and I would have to say meals that are overall much healthier in make up.  Mostly chicken, turkey, and fish and very limited red meat.  And the vast majority of stopping for fast food has certainly gone away which was incessant on keto. 

The biggest word I have for mounjaro, even with chugging water at night, is that this has been INCREDIBLE for me.

And some of you may have noticed this photo is a variant of the one from the Feb 13th entry!  Yes, I know … but it just reminds me of my missing details … missing such a significant side effect!!

Speaking of details … my counting in the title is based on when I took the mounjaro dose not on calendar date because I had to vary my injection days due to my schedule … by calendar days today would actually be the last day of the 9th week … I started my shots on a Wednesday (they day I received the first box from the pharmacy) but I slowly altered the injection days by one day a week at a time until my injection day is now on Sundays which is easier overall for me to do.

And since this was a longer note … here is a bonus photo … I know that clothing tends to hide body habitus but I feel the weight loss is noticeable in the photo compared to when I started this blog!


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