MounjaroLife W4D2 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

So the 4th shot went without a hitch.   The only side effect I am dealing with is constipation.   I am taking 1 probiotic pill and 2 dulcolax pills per day for that.   I am excited about going to the 5mg dose starting next week. 

I am trying to get some walking in (more than my usual).  I have been prioritizing getting good sleep and drinking a lot of fluids.   The insomnia from a week ago seems better.  I do get up about once per night to urinate which is not my usual but I think that is from drinking all the fluids.

I weighed in at 337.6 lb today which is 2.8 lbs down from last week which is a total of 19 pounds since I started (although most of that was in the first week).

I do feel like I have more energy overall and I am motivated to work on things around the house.   Whether that is from the weight loss or a direct side effect of the injections I do not know, but I like it.

The photo above reminds me that being a bigger person usually means that the first thing people notice and focus on is your size out of proportion to any of your other features.    They are so focused on this that it interferes with them being able to see anything beyond that sometimes.  And that being bigger can be more tiring to lug around all day compared to everyone else!


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