
Showing posts from July, 2024

Zepbound / Mounjaro Life S80 1yr+187d

  Wow!  My 80th shot this morning!    Holding steady at 230 pounds , but I feel good.    I finished  my 75th gym work out of 2024 and I am committed to keep that going.  My 10K training is off a bit given all the company I have had but I should be able to get back on track now prior to my October 10k.   Next up …    1) Write the great american novel 2) Find the love of my life  3) Live happily ever after  lol … Not doing too bad then! The photos were on two consecutive days .. the water tower shots were done by maneuvering on a boat to get the right angles … the sunrise with the reflection on the hood of the car was a random pullover on the way to work.   I love the shots!

Zepbound / Mounjaro Life S74 1yr+167d

  So I got my July 5K done this morning … a hilly trail run on a very HOT day … my time was almost 5 min slower than my last 5K but I was completely drenched in sweat on this one!  In the photo above that is the same shirt in both photos … I am down to two more 5Ks ((August & September) before my 10K in October.  I am heading to Cary NC for the 10K. I start my 10k prep this week with the Jeff Galloway Run-Walk program … we will see how that goes!!