
Showing posts from September, 2023

MounjaroLife W33D6 #254 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  Today I weighed 253 lb for a weight loss of 105 pounds!  29.3% since I started Mounjari 1/18/23... Incredible!  Down 33.9% from my all time high weight. The photo is from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia... We all like to stand out in some way from those around us... but I was tired of being the bouy at the end… I am cheering for everyone looking to make the life change... People come up to me and tell me they started on this journey and they want to share!   20 pounds here... 30 pounds there... It is amazing... But the BEST PART are the unfiltered joy of the smiles on their faces!!

MounjaroLife W32D1 #242 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  On the road to great things! So I weighed in at 255.8 lbs this morning … whoop whoop!!  This is a 102.2 pound weight loss on Mounjaro since Jan 18th which is a 28.5% reduction!!   From my all time high of 383 lb that is a 127 lb weight loss which is a 33% weight loss … outstanding!!!   I cannot even begin to say how good I feel! Thank you Mounjaro!

MounjaroLife W31D6 D240 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  Today was a great day … as of this morning I am at a 100 pound weight loss!!  Wow!! The photos above were of this past blue moon … interestingly the second photo was taken with Canon T7 with a telephoto lense and manual settings on a tripod … and the first one was taken on a Samsung U23 smartphone held freehand with pinch zoom on the screen and autofocus … Crazy!!   The Samsung killed the Canon T7 … who would have guessed that! And a side note, I did try to get my mounjaro by an alternate means to save money and I fell  victim to a scam … ugh.   I definitely did not save any money on that front.   I am never trying that again.   Damn it.    Still thrilled about the 100 pound point today!

MounjaroLife W30D3 D225 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So here is a before and after photo … the one on the left was the month before starting (taken Dec 2022) and the other was taken today!   Pretty dramatic difference I would say! And great news … I was able to get 15mg prescription filled this week and it was at. different pharmacy and when they ran it with my insurance my insurance covered part of it!!!   My total was $500 for a month … I am ecstatic!!   That is so much better than the $1050-$1200 I had been paying!!  (Update: just happened on one fill and the following months went back to $1000 😒)  I took my last 10mg dose this week so for the next 6 weeks I have two 12.5mg and four 15mg doses … whoop whoop!!  Very exciting!!  I have been at a plateau (261.6 lb this morning - 96 lb weight loss since starting for a. 26.9% weight loss) for almost two months now but I am not stressing about it … I am very happy with my results so far and although I hope to lose 20 more pounds it would not be horrible to live where I am at now….