
Showing posts from March, 2024

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S55 d5 1 YEAR +58d Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So … this is my being vulnerable photos!   I finally broke the magical 230 mark and weighted in at 227.6 today … Whoop!  Whoop!   In honor of this accomplishment I decided to share the above photos …. If you subtract the right photo from the left photo you  will see what 150 POUNDS LOOKS LIKE!!!!  (128 of those pounds were lost on Tirzepatide since 1/23) So on the hair issue … The hair on my head has not changed dramatically before and after being on the tirzepatide but I actually have more body hair (getting the old greyback gorilla look!) Another observation, with all my weight loss I find that I take more pride in my clothes … I actually floss more regularly … and I have really gotten into working out.   As I feel better about myself I actually without consciously thinking about it … try harder.   It has been interesting! 

Mounjaro / Zepbound Life S54 d5 1 YEAR +53d Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

    So the scale hit 231.2 lb today … slow but positive progress!  I am feeling pretty good about it! (126.8 pounds lost since starting tirzzepatide over 14 months  ago…for a  35.4% weight loss)  From my all time maximum weight in the last 3 years I am down a total of 153.8 pounds for a 40% weight loss) … I never thought I would be here! So my workout to whomever is interested:  All exercises on cable machines at my local YMCA: I shoot to do the routine every third day … to be honest at my present age I seem to need the extra time to recover from the lifting fully to see gains. Bench Press, Military Press, Chest Flyes, Lateral raises, tricep extensions Narrow handle seated rows, Lateral pulldowns, back extensions, rveerse flyes, bicep curls Leg Press, Leg extensions, Leg Curls, Hip Abduction and Hip Adduction Abdominal crunch, Torso rotations I started with single set with low weight on each exercise and add weight and sets.   On a Sunday with plenty of time I will shoot for 3 sets (es