
Showing posts from October, 2023

MounjaroLife W36D2 #277 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So still at a plateau between 252-258 pounds but feeling good.   I do want to lose 10 pounds now so i can renegotiate my term life insurance which would give me dramatically better rates.   Knees are doing well.       Dating has been rough.   I get some dates but no passion so far in any of them.   I really am at the point in my life where I just want that one person for a long term relationship but there has to be passion between us … not a long list of requirements but an important one for me.      Besides household projects that I am slowly working through I am also looking at finding a physical goal to aim for  … not something that will kill my knees but that will show me at even age 59 yo with bad knees that I can still accomplish things I never expected to do again!   I never expected to lose all this weight so now I am looking at my other limitation expectations…

MounjaroLife W35D1 #266 Mounjaro Tirzepatide Journey Blog

  So I went to Denver Colorado for about a week and liberalized my eating to enjoy the trip and I came back to weigh 252.6 … which was amazing that I did not gain weight!  105.4 pound weight loss on Mounjaro (29.4%) … crazy! Now, I know a woman at work who has lost more weight than I have … she was on Semaglutide and now she is off of it and still losing weight.   This is very promising as all I have been reading is about people who lose weight on GLP-1s only to start gaining the weight back when they go off the medicine .... this is very promising indeed! I am going to stay on the Mounjaro for now … I told myself I would do it for at least a year which won’t be up for another 99 days.  I have enough Mounjaro now in the frig for over a month so the supply seems to have improved.  I am still paying near full price which is painful thinking what that money could have been spent on instead. The photo above is from Estes Park near the Rocky Mountain National Park which I also went through